Integrated Security Systems to Improve Operational Efficiency

Okinelin Integrated security solutions deliver security, improve operational efficiency and reduce accidents at the manufacturing industry.

Improve Productivity

When it comes to productivity, security is a major factor. Implementing an effective integrated security system in your factory reduces threats like thefts, sabotage and espionage. Also, in order to reduce costs it is necessary to increase efficiency as much as possible.

Safety First

Keep the premises, machinery and workers safe with the most reliable solutions

Improve Security

Stay in control of your site by investing in innovative solutions

Support the Business

Increase efficiency by using effective security products.

Okinelin solutions for the manufacturing industry

Restrict access to unauthorized persons and vehicles

Control who has access to your production plant using our access control system. Card readers, biometric readers, turnstiles and barriers regulate accesses and restrict unauthorized persons and vehicles from entering your plant.

Monitor factory surroundings

With our security surveillance system, you can quickly detect suspicious activities around your plant that may indicate a crime is about to happen.

Monitor activities within the factory

Monitor employees and inventory effectively using our security surveillance system

Investigate incidents quickly

With high-tech explosion proof cameras, incidents can be investigated properly and proper precautions taken to future occurrences.

Keep tabs on workers' attendance

Measure workers’ efficiency with access control devices working as a time clocking system.

Stop intrusive activities

Be alerted to intruders on your premises and stop them in their tracks.

Better Security = Better Productivity

Okinelin Integrated Security Systems provides your workers with the secure environment they need to be more productive

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Why Choose Us?


Get your money’s worth in products and services.


With over 15 years of experience, we have the technical skill to handle any task no matter how unique they may be.


Our engineers and technicians are trained to deliver the very best on every project.


We are always available to attend to you long after the job is completed.